James Mathews Stiller, Jr. (“Matt”)

James Mathews Stiller, Jr. (“Matt”) was born and raised in Shreveport, Louisiana. After a career as an officer in the United States Air Force, Matt served the State of Delaware by working for the Division of Public Health as a Data Analyst for the State’s breast and cervical cancer early detection program. While in the Air Force he earned a Bachelors of Science Degree in Criminal Justice, a Masters Degree in Public Administration, and an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Computer Information Systems. It was during his time with the Division of Public Health when he attended law school during the evenings at Widener University School of Law. After graduating, Matt took and passed the New Jersey and Delaware bar exams and is licensed to practice law in both states. Matt is a licensed commercial pilot. He is most proud of his four children. Matt resides in Milford, Delaware.
Matt is often asked how he can defend those accused of crimes, many of which are most heinous. After careful and deep reflection he explains that occasionally, the defense attorney is the only one standing in the way of the State convicting an innocent person. And, it is for those occasional defendants that he must represent all of his clients as zealously as possible. He firmly believes that if the State, the police, and the defense all do their jobs as best as those jobs can be done, then if the defendant is innocent he will walk and if he is guilty he will receive justice. Matt is devoted to ensuring that the defense is represented as competently and as effectively as possible.
Matt has worked cases ranging from capital murder down to the lowest of traffic-related offenses. He openly admits that he especially enjoys representing those accused of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. He finds this area of the law extremely interesting because of the many complexities so often found in these types of cases. He recognizes that people are not born with a bottle in their hands and that many of the adversities life throws at them often encourages people to seek comfort in a bottle. Understanding the nature of the offense, the sciences involved and the laws addressing it, is often key to effective representation.
Matt is very proud of his membership in the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys or AAPDA.