Attorney Ben Schwartz informs other attorneys if they are in need of Delaware Continuing Legal Education – CLE credits, they should consider an upcoming seminar on Litigating Civil Cases from Start to Finish and Personal Injury Litigation: Secrets and Insider Tips.

Hi, I’m Attorney Ben Schwartz,

I just want to do a quick video. If you are an Attorney and you need CLE credits, I’m going to be speaking at a couple of upcoming seminars. The first is July 30, 2019, in New Castle, Delaware. This is Litigating Civil Cases from Start to Finish.

This is basic to an intermediate course on litigation. It covers topics like civil litigation do’s and dont’s, motion practice, and pleadings, discovery depositions, how to authenticate social media evidence, building your civil trial skills and legal ethics.

Of course, legal ethics is the section that I’m going to be covering. The other presenters at this seminar are Rob Collins, from my office, George Codding from Lundy Law and Leonard Deutchman and also David Bamberger. This should be a pretty good seminar. It’s an all-day seminar on July 30, 2019, in Wilmington, Delaware.

CLE Credit Seminars For Lawyers

Another one that I’m going to be speaking on August 28, 2019, is Personal Injury Litigation: Secrets and Insider Tips. This covers Negotiating Injury Claims, Eliminating and Minimizing Liens, Medicare and Medicaid Secondary Payer Recovery Act stuff, Medical Expert Depositions, Pain and Suffering Damages, Smart Phone and Text Message Evidence, Insurance Defense Case Evaluation Strategies and Trial Prep, as well as Ethics and Personal Injury Litigation.

Now, I’m not doing the ethics on this seminar. The ethics are being done by Patrick Gibson. Patrick is brilliant. I have presented with him in the past and he does a great job with anything having to do with ethics. Again, Leonard Deutchman, also the other attorneys involved in this are Chris Logullo, Ray Cobb and Tiffany Shrank. This is August 28, 2019, again New Castle, Delaware.

These are both NBI National Business Institute Seminars. In the notes for this video, we will put links to both of the sign-up pages for these seminars. But, if you are an attorney you need to get CLE credits & you’ve got an interest in Civil Litigation or you’ve got an interest in Personal Injury Litigation, these are two excellent seminars to attend. Thanks for watching!

Litigating Civil Cases from Start to Finish.

Personal Injury Litigation: Secrets and Insider Tips